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December 6, 2024: The Lillibridge Ensemble gave a recital at Evergreen Woods, North Branford. They performed Dvořák Piano Quintet No. 2 and Brahms Sonata in D minor for Violin and Piano.

(Click photos for full image)

Photos: Richard Petrelli

Photos: Fernando Pastor

Video Screencaps: Fernando Pastor

Click here for a video of the Dvořák Quintet.

Click here for a video of the Brahms Sonata.

Lillibridge Ensemble, Apr 7, 2024
The Lillibridge Ensemble – photo: Christina Schenker
(Click for full image)

November 17, 2024: The Lillibridge Ensemble gave a recital at the Neighborhood Music School in New Haven. Below is a video of the performance of Brahms Violin Sonata no. 3 in D Minor with Madeleine and Raphael Ryger.

Click here for the video

November 3, 2024: The Lillibridge Ensemble gave a recital at The First Presbyterian Church of New Haven. Below is a clip from the performance of Brahms Violin Sonata no. 3 in D Minor with Madeleine and Raphael Ryger.

Click here for a video of II. Adagio

Click here to view the program

September 22, 2024: Madeleine gave a recital celebrating her 86th birthday.

photo: Fernando Pastor

Click here for a compilation of video clips

And here for an additional clip!

April 7, 2024: The Lillibridge Ensemble, Quintet recital at Klavierhaus with violinists Raphael Ryger and David Clampitt, violist Krystyana Czeiner, and cellist Karen Ryger.

Click here for the video stream

Sept 15, 2019 Trio Recital
(Click for more details)

December 19, 2023: Madeleine recently found this note from her teacher Wilhelm Kempff, from when she first met him in 1952.

Sept. 17, 2023, Klavierhaus recital
(Click for full image)

September 17, 2023: Madeleine performed again at The Klavierhaus International Music Festival, Day 2 on their Youtube Channel.

Click here for the program

From left to right: János Kéry, Anna Kijanowska, Robyn Metz Riggers, Madeleine Forte, Linda Jo Faylor-Whitman, Ildikó Bartha, Daniel Immel.

September 10, 2023: The Lillibridge Ensemble performed at The Klavierhaus International Music Festival, Day 1 on their Youtube Channel.

Click here for the program

The Lillibridge Ensemble Performed César Franck's Sonata for violin and piano and Frédéric Chopin's Nocturne No. 20 in C♯ minor.

(Click for full image)

From left to right: Daniel Immel, Matthew Bengtson, Anna Kijanowska, János Kéry, Madeleine Forte, Ildikó Bartha, Raphael Ryger, Karen Ryger, Dmitry Rachmanov.

October 9, 2019: The Recordings page now has a link to
"Videos," which contains Madeleine Forte's YouTube videos that are not otherwise represented on this site.

September 15, 2019: The Lillibridge Ensemble, Trio recital with violinist Raphael Ryger and cellist Karen Ryger.

July 26, 2019: The September 2018 concerts at the International Music Festival at Yale University were mentioned in the Winter 2019 issue of The Triangle (112:4).

From left to right: Dr. Janos Kery, Dr. Madeleine Hsu Forte, Debra Riedel, Robyn Metz Riggers, Sara Apostol Opposits, Suzanne Lovejoy, and Dr. Anna Kijanowska.

May 5, 2019: The Bel-Etre Ensemble recital at Cultural Arts Center, CT.

Click here for a video excerpt from the recital
Rachmaninov Op. 19, mvt 3

September 9 and 16, 2018: International Music Festival at Yale University in memory of Allen Forte and the celebration of Madeleine's 80th birthday.

February 25, 2018: Trio recital with violinist Raphael Ryger and cellist Karen Ryger.

September 3, 2017: Solo recital at Whitney Center, Hamden, CT.

December 2, 2016: Solo recital at the Albertus Magnus Institute of Learning in Retirement, New Haven, CT.

September 15, 2013: Madeleine Forte was honored by the Yale University Department of Music on the occasion of her 75th birthday with an International Piano Celebration.

International Piano Celebration Flyer

October 16, 2011: Madeleine Forte was honored by Boise State University, where she taught for many years, at a "Mad about Madeleine" piano party. A Steinway grand piano donated in her honor was dedicated at the event, which was co-sponsored by Boise State University Advancement and Alumni Association.

October 2009: Madeleine Forte was the honored guest pianist at the  "First National Symposium of Musical Analytics" at the Shanghai Conservatory, October 26-29, 2009. She performed two piano recitals on Frederic Chopin and Olivier Messiaen and conducted a piano masterclass.

Lake Xihu: Madeleine Forte, Allen Forte, Daqun Jia

2007-2008: “The Bel-Être Ensemble” in concerts in the New York & Connecticut areas.

2007-2008: Performances with Polish cellist Mariusz Skula in the New York & Connecticut areas. Music by Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, Franck, Ornstein, Tansman, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Bloch, Tcherepnin, and Barber

September 20-22, 2007: Masterclasses and lecture-recital with Allen Forte at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

April 3-8, 2007: Masterclasses and concert with Pedro Pinyol at the University of North Texas.

April 24, 2006: The Skula-Forte duo performs in New York

March 26, 2006: Cello and piano recital with Luc Dewez in Astoria Concerts, Brussels, Belgium

November 15-30, 2005: Performances, lectures, and masterclasses in Seoul, Korea, at Hanyang University and Seoul Conservatories

(Click images for larger view.)

Summer 2005: Research Associate, Yale Summer Program, Salzburg Seminar at the Schloss Leopoldskron; Piano Ensemble Concerts with Allen Forte. Piano Ensemble Concert with Allen Forte at the Chateau de Goulaine, Nantes, France

February 6-11, 2005: Residency at the University of North Texas, Denton

“It has been a real pleasure to host the two of you this week during a University of North Texas residency. Allen presented in three classes, Madeleine performed an all-Chopin recital and gave a following masterclass, and together you gave two lecture-recitals, one on Messiaen, the other on Liszt's Petrarch settings for piano. In all respects we were thrilled with the quality and interest of your presentations. Allen, your quiet eloquence was captivating, and Madeleine, your artistry was rich and communicative, and the authority both of you brought to the presentation was matchless. Your stay at UNT will be long remembered as a highlight of our academic year.”

Lester Brothers, Chair
Division of Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology

(Click image for larger view.)

Nov 7 and 12, 2004: Recitals in Paris and Nantes, France

October 23, 2004:
Johns Hopkins University: lecture-recital with Allen Forte on Liszt and Petrarch at the conference "Petrarch and the Arts"

August 5, 2004: Piano Recital at the International Piano Institute of Santa Fe, Summer Festival (photo above)

June, 2004: Masterclasses at Musashino Music Academy, Tokyo, Japan, for classes of Professor Kyoko Ito

April 4, 2004: Violin and Piano recital for Westchester Musicians, N.Y.

March 1, 2004: Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver

February 24-29, 2004: Visiting Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle

January 18, 2004: Chamber Music at Yale University

April 3-4, 2003: International Conference, Estonian Academy of Music, Tallinn, Estonia; lecture-concert with Allen Forte and masterclasses on American and French music.

March 2003: Messiaen lecture-recital and masterclass at the Akademia Muzyczna, Wroclaw, Poland

October 19-26, 2002: Visiting Trotter Professorship, University of Oregon, Eugene

August 31, 2002: Conservatory of Music, Oslo, Norway: Piano recital

August 29, 2002: Conservatory of Music, Oslo, Norway: Debussy lecture-recital

June 20-23, 2002: Messiaen 2002 International Conference, Sheffield, U.K., piano recitalist

April 10, 2002: Peabody Conservatory, lecture-recital: Messiaen Early Piano Music

March 19-20, 2002: Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, recital and lecture-recital

October 5, 2001: Piano lecture-recital "Messiaen" at the Eastman School of Music

June 11, 2001: Lecture-recital (with Allen Forte, commentator) at Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Vienna, Austria: "An Introduction to the Piano Music of Olivier Messiaen."

April 22, 2001:Recital at the Yale Collection of Musical Instruments of works by Frederic Chopin on period pianos, the Erard and the Pleyel.

April 27-28, 2000: Masterclasses at the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Academy for the Performing Arts, Hong Kong.

April 25, 2000: Recital at the Hong Kong Baptist University, China

April 2000: Recital and masterclass at the Hong Kong Baptist University, China

Madeleine Forte, Dec 4,2022

photo: Fernando Pastor

Madeleine and Allen Forte

Madeleine with her dog, 1972

Madeleine at Boise State, 1974

Madeleine, 1987

Academy of Music, Wroclaw, Poland: Rektor Kurzinski, Madeleine Forte, student Anna Rutkowska, and Allen Forte
Akademia Muzyczna, Wroclaw,

Janet Packer and Madeleine Forte at Evergreen Woods
Duo Packer-Forte at Evergreen

Madeleine Forte at Oslo Conservatory of Music
Oslo Conservatory

Madeleine and Allen Forte at Oslo Conservatory of Music
Oslo Conservatory Lecture with
Allen Forte

Allen and Madeleine Forte, Vienna, June 2002
Vienna Universität Lecture with
Allen Forte

Allen and Madeleine Forte, Vienna, June 2002
Allen Forte at the piano with his wife
Madeleine in Vienna, Austria in summer
2002. Taken by Ben Crawford.
Click to enlarge

Madeleine Forte, Yale University Collection of Instruments, 2001
Madeleine Forte, Yale University Collection of Instruments, 2001
Madeleine Forte, Yale University
Collection of Instruments, 2001